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Summit Farms Alaskan Dogs Rescue

Caring for Alaskan Dogs


Start socializing your dog at a young age. These dogs can be aggressive toward other Alaskan dogs, so getting them accustomed to other dogs early is important. Alaskan Malamutes can be a stubborn breed, training class might be helpful if you are new to training dogs. These breeds of dogs have a lot of energy and need to be walked daily, at least an hour. Your dogs should also have access to a well fenced outdoor exercise area. It is also important to supervise your pet as you would a toddler and give her plenty of people interaction time.


At least once a week you should brush your dog's coat, making sure to get all the loose fur. A Malamute will need it's coat brushed more often than a Husky. Nails and long fur around the feet will need to be trimmed periodically. Alaskan dogs often have serious problems with their teeth, so you'll need to brush them at least three times a week! Your dog needs her ears cleaned weekly. Disposable ear wipes do a great job of cleaning the inner ears. Your dog’s ears should be pink and healthy inside. Keeping your dogs’ ears clean minimizes odor, removes dirt, bacteria and mites trapped in wax. Also check your dog's eyes daily. Gently wiping the corners of your dog's eyes with a wet cloth or paper towel can prevent the buildup of bacteria.


In general Alaskan dog breeds are fairly healthy but can have some health problems that can be a concern, especially if you aren't careful who you buy from. The most common health problems include hip dysplasia; various eye problems; and hypothyroidism.


Alaskan dogs do not need any special food but should be fed a high-quality, relatively high-protein dry dog food. Some dogs may need a Zinc supplement, but talk to your vet before giving this to your pet.